Top 6 Guitar Practice Tips

Here’s my ultimate guitar practice breakdown. These are the things you should cover when you practice. I have also included a rough percentage of time that you should spend on them. I find that it’s easy to get into bad habits when practising. These can include overplaying, poor technique, practising too fast, and avoiding some important musical considerations.

 1. Some Technique 20% 

  • scales

  • arpeggios

  • slurs

  • finger independence

  • plating/preparation

  • speed

2. Difficult Passages 20%

  • with metronome

  • be playful and inventive

  • try not to get bogged down

3. Musicality 20%

  • Story

  • contrast

  • tension/release

  • phrasing

  • dynamics

  • tonal contrast

  • articulation

4. Learning new repertoire 20%

  •  Try and learn a variety of styles

  • research the context and composer/player

  • memorisation

  • ensemble or chamber repertoire

5. Stretching/relaxing/thinking/planning 10%

  •  Take regular breaks, clear your mind

  • Stand up and stretch, relax your body

  • Plan a little, ask yourself “is this the best use of my time?”

  • organisation

  • Think about what you want to do, and how you can have fun

6. Older repertoire 10% 

  •  keep older pieces active, its always good to maintain a solid repertoire for gigs, concerts and dinner parties!

  • Sometimes you can revisit pieces with new insights